Concept creatives Eline Wieland and Katrien van der Eerden connect the eye to the natural world in food & film. In a dedicated process we develop a unique visual language to touch your palate. The visuals are simple and sophisticated and bringing concepts to life in art based, animated commercials and short films. For the future of food we support the nose-to-tail, root-to-stalk and farm-to-table context.
February 'Tuin aan de Maas'
March 'Tuin aan de Maas'
April 'Tuin aan de Maas'
May 'Tuin aan de Maas'
June 'Tuin aan de Maas'
June II 'Tuin aan de Maas'
July 'Tuin aan de Maas'
September 'Tuin aan de Maas'
October 'Tuin an de Maas'
December 'Tuin aan de Maas'